There is a drumbeat that runs throughout the Scriptures from the first page to the last. Light. Light. Light. The dawning of a great light is the Bible's central theme.
I was recently meditating on the passage in Leviticus that tells us not to harvest the edges of our fields:
I recently commented on Facebook that we have no ground for trusting in reason on the basis of naturalism. A couple folks asked me to elaborate. The basic line of reasoning is a bit too long for a Facebook comment so I lay it out here.
A good friend recently asked me to address the question, “Why do conservatives call themselves conservative”. Below is a quick explainer of the title:
A good friend posted the Craig Biddle video below to Facebook recently. I commented that unfortunately Craig does a very poor job representing what advocates of the is/ought dichotomy are really saying.
Joan Baez, put it simple and straight when she said, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Nothing ain’t worth nothing, but at least it’s free.”
I’m just stopping in the shadows of Castle Craggs to eat a late lunch, read a bit, and write a blog post. Here’s what’s on my mind. We accept that God knows things we don’t know. And we wish to do his will.
I am Jack’s raging bile duct.
I love God.
I love people.
So does He.
This is why I get utterly furious when I learn about pastoral sex scandals and folks using God as a tool to take advantage of the unsuspecting.
I just stumbled upon this article from the UK’s Daily Mail from my buddy’s Facebook, and it’s really stunning
So here’s my latest. I was set the question, ‘Why should we worship Jesus?’